In this episode we look at how to respond to the current threat to democracy. Our humanist values demand we take direct action. In related news Humanist International released their latest Freedom of Thought Report

In this episode we look at how to respond to the current threat to democracy. Our humanist values demand we take direct action. In related news Humanist International released their latest Freedom of Thought Report
Did you know that the Center for Freethought Equality, the advocacy arm of the American Humanist Association has a PAC that endorses and donates to candidates that share our values? We talk to the PAC manager Ron Millar and find out more about how the Center for Freethought Equality works and how it can help to oppose the Christian Nationalists.
We discuss our efforts to refresh and revise our group’s 10 Commitments Prize Wheel we use at our information booth then we look at President Joe Biden dropping out of the 2024 election and how his selfless action relates to our humanist values, and finally we tell a little known story about Catholic Nuns teaching public school in rural Ohio in the 1960s and 1970s.
We talk to the interim executive director of the American Humanist Association, Nicole Carr, about her journey to Humanism, why social justice is important (it’s about church and state), and what goes into awarding the Humanist of the Year honor.
We look at why Humanism doesn’t belong in Interfaith spaces and we hear a letter to the editor about addressing violent crime in Toledo. We also take time out to acknowledge a show milestone.
Richard Dawkins is a well known figure in the freethought community. His books have been best sellers and have helped lead many people to ditch religion. In recent years, Dawkins has not been a decent human being and on April 10th a transphobic tweet reminded us all we need to stop putting science communicators on a pedestal. The support Dawkins received for “Just Asking Questions” reminds us what Humanism really means as we reject his questioning of the basic dignity and worth of a group of people for no rational reason.
In this episode Douglas speaks with Derrick Strobl, an old friend from his days in Columbus with the Humanist Community of Central Ohio. They talk about his journey to Humanism coming from a religious conservative family, and Douglas discovers, to his shock, that a college near his hometown was much more conservative than he ever imagined. Derrick also reveals what Humanist values are important to him.