
Religious Freedom or Safety Concern? The Dad’s Place Church Shelter Debate

We look at an update in the case of Dad’s Place church in Bryan Ohio where the pastor is ignoring the city by running a homeless shelter in the church. Should religion trump health and safety regulations and why is the Ohio Attorney General David Yost sticking his nose in a local matter? Could it be pandering to the religious extremists in the state?


Humanism in the Face of Change: Fish Stark Talks Future Directions for AHA

In this episode we talk to the new ececutive director of the American Humanist Association Fish Stark. We discover his origin story, his connection to a past AHA Humanist of the Year, assurances for Humanists and local chapters around the country especially with the upcoming Presidental administration, and we learn the facinating story about his first name, Fish.


Ohio Legislators Tell Kids Not To Be Gay And To Read Their Bible

We talk about the use of Ohio’s Don’t Say Gay bill including mandatory released time religious instruction policies for public-schools


Religious Indoctrination in Public Schools: The Rise of LifeWise Academy

Update on lobbying effort of Lifewise to get the state to force public schools to accommodate indoctrination of young children


Grief, Injustice, and Identity: Asking for Understanding and Empathy

We talk about grief and how a Humanist can deal with the loss of a loved one, their favorite sports team, and even an election. Then we talk about the Christian nationalists in the Ohio state house who passed a bathroom ban against the Trans community and finally we find out just how simple figuring out biological sex really is.


Release Time Religious Instruction: Unpacking the LifeWise Academy Controversy

Host Douglas Berger recently gave a presentation at the First Unitarian Church of Toledo, where he addressed the controversial topic of Release Time Religious Instruction (RTRI) in Ohio, with a particular focus on LifeWise Academy, which aims to provide religious education during the school day.


Secular Humanism – The Sometimes Ugly Step-child of Humanism

In this episode we look at the attempt to politize disaster recovery after two recent hurricanes and how that is just a continuation of the anti-science crusade by religious and political conservatives. Then I share my remarks about secular humanism I made at a recent public appearance at a local UU church.


Building a Political Voice: Ron Millar on Humanism and Advocacy

Did you know that the Center for Freethought Equality, the advocacy arm of the American Humanist Association has a PAC that endorses and donates to candidates that share our values? We talk to the PAC manager Ron Millar and find out more about how the Center for Freethought Equality works and how it can help to oppose the Christian Nationalists.


Ranked Choice Voting and Drag Queens: Kyle Herman’s Progressive Vision

Kyle Herman is our guest. He was recently elected to the city council in Stow Ohio and has experience with politics at the national level. He’s also visited the middle east promoting democracy. He tells us why he moved back to Ohio, why he loves Ranked Choice Voting, and why he invited drag queens to march with him in the Stow 4th of July parade this year.


American Atheists’ Next Chapter: Nick Fish on Collaboration, Equality, and Real Religious Freedom

Nick Fish is our guest. He is the fourth president of American Atheists in its 60-year history. We discuss his journey to the organization, the strategic plan for the next 60 years, the current climate of religious freedom in the U.S., and how groups can collaborate to uphold secular values.