
Blasphemy Be Gone And Covid Cheats

In this episode Douglas talks about the passage of House Resolution 512 that calls for the global repeal of blasphemy, heresy, and apostasy laws. Next he talks about two cases of schools trying to use religion to circumvent public health orders and finally in a new segment called Humanism 101 he looks at Global Awarness.


Art isn’t frivolous. Art is important!

In this episode Douglas talks to artist Martha Knox about her woodcut print art, her performance art called “Submit”, the state of art during a pandemic and why selling her art is not her goal. Martha also talks about being very active in the leadership of organized freethought and then stepping back after becoming disillusioned.


Like Organizing Bus Stops: Secular Student Alliance at 20

In this episode Douglas chats with August Brunsman, one of the founders and first paid executive director of the Secular Student Alliance which is celebrating its 20th anniversary. We talk about the heady days at the beginning of the group, the problems that come along with a college project like SSA, and his continuing work with Camp Quest – An educational adventure shaped by fun, friends and freethought.


How To Use Religious Freedom for Bigotry

In this episode Douglas looks at Christian nationalists using Religious freedom as cover for their discrimination, why the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett for the US Supreme Court is a problem for all of us, and he introduces a new recurring segment where people share the story of their journey to Humanism.


Where Did Our Empathy Go?

In this episode, Douglas tries to find out what has happened to our emapthy during the pandemic. He offers some tips on how to have a picnic during a virus outbreak. And finally Douglas reviews an essay from July that claims anti-racism training is racist.


Looking For A Few Good Affiliates

In this episode Douglas talks to Sam McGuire, the National Field Director for American Atheists. She explains what an affiliate is and how your secular group can become one. Douglas asks if atheist groups are that much different than Humanist groups and he and Sam dip their toes into some political questions of interest to secular people.


An Atheist Hero Is A Social Justice Warrior

In this episode, Douglas talks about the lack of heroes in the atheist movement and why that isn’t a problem. Next he highlights an excellent TV program that explained why we teach US History all wrong, and finally Douglas revisits an essay he wrote about the 1st amendment violation having the Ohio state motto engraved on the grounds of the statehouse.


A Humanist Response to the Murder of George Floyd

In this episode, Douglas tries to fill time without interviewing someone. We get some news from our group the Secular Humanists of Western Lake Erie, give a humanist response to the murder of George Floyd, celebrate an unlikely court victory for the LGBTQ+ community, and dust off an old blog post about the words “Under God” in the pledge.


Important Humanist Values with Derrick Strobl

In this episode Douglas speaks with Derrick Strobl, an old friend from his days in Columbus with the Humanist Community of Central Ohio. They talk about his journey to Humanism coming from a religious conservative family, and Douglas discovers, to his shock, that a college near his hometown was much more conservative than he ever imagined. Derrick also reveals what Humanist values are important to him.


Same Church Different Pew

In this episode Douglas talks to Rev. Dr. TK Barger of the First Unitarian Church of Toledo about the historic ties between the UUs and Humanism. We also discuss how Unitarians have religious rituals that are not based in the supernatural and we talk about some of the differences between religious and secular humanism.