
Secular Student Alliance: The Cool People on Campus with Kevin Bolling

In this episode we talk to Kevin Bolling, the executive director of the Secular Student Alliance, which is the only national organization dedicated to atheist, humanist, and other non-theist students. We discuss what the SSA is and does, its efforts to protect real religious freedom on campuses across the country, and what SSA is looking forward to in the future.


Beware Rose Colored Glasses of Forced Patriotism with Emily Newman

In this episode we talk to Emily Newman from the American Humanist Association about forced patriotism, the false narrative about Critical Race Theory being taught in school and what’s coming up from the AHA as it looks for a new executive director.


Spiders, Science, and Avoiding Pedestals with PZ Myers

PZ Myers is a biologist and associate professor at the University of Minnesota, Morris. He co-founded the Freethought Blogs Network which is the home to his personal blog Pharyngula that has a mix of science and social justice and frequently both at the same time. He is currently studying spiders and really hates Tuesdays and Thursdays this semester.


Humanism on the Right Side of History

In this episode we take a look at our history through two individuals who expressed a humanist outlook even if they weren’t humanists as we think of today. Albert Sabin and Pauline Steinem came from poor backgrounds to accomplish renown in their time. We also look at some news for the group.


Building Interfaith Bridges with Chris Highland

In this episode, we talk to Chris Highland a former Protestant minister for 14 years and an Interfaith chaplain for 25 years. We discuss his journey to Humanism, his efforts trying to build bridges between people of faith and freethinkers, and his writing about the topic including a weekly column in his local newspaper. We’ll also touch on his recent controversial remarks about “Angry, Anti-religious Atheists”.


Diversity By Itself Is Not Enough with John Lombard

In this episode, we talk to John Lombard, a former evangelical missionary and church planter, who spent over 25 years in China. We talk about his journey to Humanism, his important work as a Cultural Diversity consultant for businesses, and his long time efforts to educate the west about the Mosuo, an ethnic minority in China.


Critical Thinking Instead Of Dogma With Reggie Finley

In this episode, Douglas talks to science teacher and communicator Reggie Finley about the importance of science and critical thinking especially in this time of the pandemic. Reggie also discusses his personal journey from angry atheist and host of The Infidel Guy Show to a science educator reaching out and changing the lives of his students.


Justice Centered Humanism

Douglas gives an update on upcoming activities of the Secular Humanists of Western Lake Erie. Next he gives his thoughts about social justice, Humanism, and a new book about that very subject from Roy Speckhardt.


Cancer is Non-Religious

In this episode we talk to Pam Niese, a Registered Nurse from Glandorf, Ohio who volunteers with the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network. Pam helps fundraise and lobby on issues important to cancer patients and survivors. We find out that Cancer sucks and is not political or religious in its destruction. She also lets us know what we can do to help including purchasing a “Lights of Hope” bag.


One Battle Over Abortion Is A Parking Lot

In this episode, we find out why the next local battle over abortion takes place in an old parking lot. Next Douglas talks about plans for a post pandemic restriction time for our local group and finally he talks about how Humanists can respond to a recent religious freedom violation while still rejecting the religious beliefs being violated.