
Critical Thinking Can Save The World

In this episode we look at critical thinking. What does it include and how do we not misuse it. Then we take a look at another church and state issue at a local school during election day. Was it on purpose?


A Pseudo Conflict Between Intersectionality And Humanism

Is there a conflict between Humanism and Intersectionality? Michael Werner believes there is and he is trying to save the UUA from it.


Fake School Assemblies and Banning Guns

Religious conservatives are performing school assemblies and funneling kids to church all at taxpayer expense and earlier this month the SHoWLE Board voted to ban weapons at meetings. Doug explains why.


Get Younger or Die

Organized groups are having trouble with declining numbers because younger people don’t think the groups address their concerns like social justice. Secular groups should address those issues because they have long roots in the conflict between church and state.


Blumner Is Wrong: All Individuals Are Important To Humanism

Robyn Blumner of the Center of Inquiry took the opportunity, in a recent editorial, to slam identity politics, woke progressives, and took a cheap shot at the American Humanist Association.


Everyone Is Wrong About Everything with The Friendly Atheist

We talk to Hemant Mehta, also known as the Friendly Atheist about his move to, how he came to atheism, his thoughts on banning books and other Christian Nationalist activities, and his mantra that if you don’t like something get active.


When Heroes Turn Out To Be Mere Human

In this episode we find out that even Humanists have concerns about people we honor as Humanists of the Year and that is a good thing. Douglas then talks about the recent report released by the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty and the Freedom From Religion Foundation about the connection of Christian nationalism to the January 6th Insurrection.


Can We Find Personal Responsibility Again?

In this episode, we have a panel discussion about personal responsibility with some members of the Secular Humanists of Western Lake Erie. Then as a free bonus we talk about a church and state case recently before the US Supreme Court concerning flying the Christian flag in front of Boston City Hall.


Thank a Pagan for Christmas

In this episode, we look at the real reason for the season and how our holidays began with early humans marking the shortest day of the year in hopes that light would return. Next Douglas talks about actor Wil Wheaton’s recent social media post admitting to his homophobic past and how Humanists and others can follow his current path to be better people then finally we note how some Star Trek fans, in an effort to maintain their bigotry, miss the entire point of Star Trek.


Secular Student Alliance: The Cool People on Campus with Kevin Bolling

In this episode we talk to Kevin Bolling, the executive director of the Secular Student Alliance, which is the only national organization dedicated to atheist, humanist, and other non-theist students. We discuss what the SSA is and does, its efforts to protect real religious freedom on campuses across the country, and what SSA is looking forward to in the future.