
The Fight for Fair Voting in Ohio: An In-Depth Look with Greer Aeschbury

Ever wonder why voting isn’t as straightforward as it seems? What if we told you that there are barriers at the polls that could limit citizen power in democracy? Join us for a robust dialogue with Greer Aeschbury, the Ohio senior campaign manager with All Voting is Local Action, as we dissect these and more on our podcast. We delve into the specifics of Issue 1, the recent voter ID law, and the Ohio Voter Rights Coalition’s efforts to make voting more accessible and fair.


Tag Lines and Long Voter Lines

In this episode Douglas goes through the process his Humanist group took to create a new tag line to help market the group to the public. When some groups are dropping the word Humanism from their name SHoWLE rejected that direction. Then Douglas talks about the new election laws being passed as a result of the massive turn out in the 2020 election and how these laws aren’t reform but just Jim Crow laws in another form.