
Get Younger or Die

Organized groups are having trouble with declining numbers because younger people don’t think the groups address their concerns like social justice. Secular groups should address those issues because they have long roots in the conflict between church and state.


Banning Abortion Violates Religious Freedom

Our guest is Marcee Lichtenwald, who is a volunteer patient escort with the Toledo Abortion Center We talk about the post Roe landscape for reproductive rights, her time as a patient escort, and what we can do to support abortion rights.


Separation of Church and State Had A Bad Week

In this episode, we look at the just concluded US Supreme Court term and how it shakes out for religious freedom. It isn’t good.


Everyone Is Wrong About Everything with The Friendly Atheist

We talk to Hemant Mehta, also known as the Friendly Atheist about his move to, how he came to atheism, his thoughts on banning books and other Christian Nationalist activities, and his mantra that if you don’t like something get active.


Release Time Religious Instruction Is Unethical

We look at the use of Release Time Religious Instruction in some Northwest Ohio public schools and why the mixing of religion and the schools might be legal but it is at best unethical. We also share an update about the Secular Humanists of Western Lake Erie and this podcast.


Secular Student Alliance: The Cool People on Campus with Kevin Bolling

In this episode we talk to Kevin Bolling, the executive director of the Secular Student Alliance, which is the only national organization dedicated to atheist, humanist, and other non-theist students. We discuss what the SSA is and does, its efforts to protect real religious freedom on campuses across the country, and what SSA is looking forward to in the future.


Insurrection and Democracy

In this episode Doug talks about the attempted coup that happen in Washington DC on January 6th and how that was balanced by the swearing in of a new President. What will this mean for secular people. Doug also gives an update on a Federal lawsuit by three Lucas county religious schools to subvert a public health order and finally Doug mentions a couple of articles he’s read that deal with the mental health issues of schools being closed and how Ohio made headlines as an Anti-vaccine state


How To Use Religious Freedom for Bigotry

In this episode Douglas looks at Christian nationalists using Religious freedom as cover for their discrimination, why the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett for the US Supreme Court is a problem for all of us, and he introduces a new recurring segment where people share the story of their journey to Humanism.


Where Did Our Empathy Go?

In this episode, Douglas tries to find out what has happened to our emapthy during the pandemic. He offers some tips on how to have a picnic during a virus outbreak. And finally Douglas reviews an essay from July that claims anti-racism training is racist.