Update on lobbying effort of Lifewise to get the state to force public schools to accommodate indoctrination of young children

Update on lobbying effort of Lifewise to get the state to force public schools to accommodate indoctrination of young children
Christian Nationalists have targeted public schools. They ban books and discrimnate against trans kids. LifeWise Academy a well funded evangelical group based in Columbus is trying to install their model religious class in all Ohio schools without being truthful or transparent about their activities. We talk to Molly Gaines and Zachary Parrish two parents who are fighting back with their group Parents Against LifeWise.
We update a school busing dispute with implications regarding church and state separation. We also look into the expansion of school vouchers in Ohio, revealing that the program primarily benefits higher-income families already in private schools rather than helping low-income students in struggling public schools.