
Matt McMahon from Toledo Skeptics

In the debut episode of Glass City Humanist, host Douglas Berger gives a brief manifesto of what the podcast will be about. Next he talks to Matt McMahon, one of the organizers of Toledo Skeptics.

Episode 001
Matt McMahon

In the debut episode of Glass City Humanist, host Douglas Berger gives a brief manifesto of what the podcast will be about. Next he talks to Matt McMahon, one of the organizers of Toledo Skeptics. We discuss the format of the group, what is and isn’t skepticism, and we touch on some troubling issues in the general skeptic community hurtful ideas about the transgender community and some incidents of inappropriate conduct with women by high profile skeptics.

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During our talk Matt mentions a website that he believes is good when trying to make sense of the barrage of medical science stories seen and heard in the news.

Science-Based Medicine

Exploring issues and controversies in the relationship between science and medicine

Science-Based Medicine is dedicated to evaluating medical treatments and products of interest to the public in a scientific light, and promoting the highest standards and traditions of science in health care. Online information about alternative medicine is overwhelmingly credulous and uncritical, and even mainstream media and some medical schools have bought into the hype and failed to ask the hard questions.

Host Notes:

Matt was a great choice as the first guest. He had no hesitance in answering my questions and add a lot of information with little to no prompting. I hope all my interviews are this easy. — Douglas

By Douglas

Host of the Glass City Humanist