
Egg Prices: The Science Behind Rising Costs

We look at the science and facts surrounding high egg prices then we examine a recent bill introduced in the Ohio legislature that once again would try to force religion into classrooms in this case Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.


Breaking Down Societal Norms: Henry Rollins and Release Time Religious Education

Pock rock legend has something to say about families and we look at 1st amendment violations in release time religious education in Ohio public schools


The Christian Nationalist Ideologies of a Law School Professor

Professor Lee Strang is a Christian Nationalist law professor who is the go to guy for the religious extremists in the Ohio state house when they need conservative justifications for hurting the people of Ohio. Strang also founded a public charter school that is really religious. He also believes the 1st amendment doesn’t apply to atheists or secular humanists.


Separation Of Church And State: The Foundation Of Democracy With Rachel Laser

Our guest is Rachel Laser, President & CEO of Americans United for Separation of Church and State


Fake School Assemblies and Banning Guns

Religious conservatives are performing school assemblies and funneling kids to church all at taxpayer expense and earlier this month the SHoWLE Board voted to ban weapons at meetings. Doug explains why.


Evangelize For Humanism Without Evangelizing Humanism

How can one sell Humanism to the public without appropriating suspect tactics used by the religious to recruit to their groups? Doug talks about his experiences selling Humanism over the years and how we can reach people and bring them to us. Finally we give an update about a busing dispute involving religious school kids and a public school district.


Release Time Religious Instruction Is Unethical

We look at the use of Release Time Religious Instruction in some Northwest Ohio public schools and why the mixing of religion and the schools might be legal but it is at best unethical. We also share an update about the Secular Humanists of Western Lake Erie and this podcast.


EdChoice Vouchers Are Bad For Ohio Schools

School vouchers are used to indirectly fund religious schools and contribute to a conservative fever dream against government-run common schools. Why are they bad for Ohio?